press freedom

Our mission.

The Global Press Freedom Alliance is an international initiative, which aims to connect stakeholders from the media, private sector, and civil society from different countries around the world in a bid to engage in substantial cooperation, coordination, and collaboration in multiple levels, with the goal to secure, protect, respect and promote journalists' freedom in doing their job independently, without intimidation or harassment.

As a fundamental human right and necessary bedrock of democracy, press freedom is under attack in many parts of the world. We are witnessing an alarming rise in physical violence against journalists and media outlets; authoritarian governments have censored or controlled the flow of information with impunity. And yet, there has been little action from those who have the power to bring about change. We need to act now because press freedom is essential to preserving democracies worldwide, but it will only happen if we all commit to defending this liberty together. 

Instead of describing the problem of press freedom violations around the world, we believe it is far more effective if we devise mechanisms for collective action at all levels, bringing together people and organizations in different countries to become part of a strategic coalition that promotes the principles of press independence while respecting the right of journalists to report the facts, inform the public and expose injustices.