Iranian Journalist Released on Bail Week After Arrest

Iranian authorities have released journalist Elnaz Mohammadi from the Hammihan newspaper on bail one week after her arrest, media reported Sunday, but her sister, also a reporter, remains in custody.

Elnaz Mohammadi was detained after going to the prosecutor's office "for an explanation" but has since been "released from Evin prison on bail," the reformist daily Hammihan reported.

Her sister Elahe Mohammadi was arrested on September 29 after reporting for Hammihan from the funeral of Mahsa Amini's funeral and remains in custody.

Iran has witnessed nationwide protests since the September 16 death in custody of Amini, a 22-year-old ethnic Kurd, who had been arrested for an alleged breach of strict dress rules for women.

The funeral procession in Amini's hometown of Saqez in Kurdistan province turned into one of the first protest actions, followed by more than four months of unrest.

Elahe Mohammadi was charged with "propaganda against the system and conspiracy to act against national security.”

Authorities say hundreds of people, including dozens of security personnel, have been killed during protests.

Thousands of Iranians, including public figures, journalists and lawyers have been arrested.

Ten of the journalists arrested over the protests are still in custody, Tehran Journalists Association said.

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei agreed last week to pardon or commute the sentences of a "significant number" of convicts, some of whom were detained during the protests, on the occasion of the 44th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution.

Source: VOA


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